@inproceedings { title = {iTunes U and the construction of Open Educational Resources}, year = {2011}, month = {/2011}, author = {Lu, ZhenXia and Zhang, Yichun and Xu, ZH and Shen, G. and Lin, S.}, keywords = {web 2.0, sharing, Open Educational Resources, iTunes U}, country = {Switzerland}, address = {Laublsrutistr 24, Ch-8717 Stafa-Zurich}, language = {eng}, publisher = {Int Sci & Educ Res Assoc; Beijing Spon Res Inst; Beijing Gireida Educ Co Ltd}, isbn = {978-3-03785-002-2}, abstract = {To co-construct and share OERs is a common goal of global for education fields. iTunes U is an open and free educational platform constructed on the basis of iTunes, which provides brand-new development conditions and ideas for the co-construction and sharing of OERs. This article first raises the key problems for the co-construction and sharing of OERs and then analyzes why it is not only possible but also necessary for iTunes U to support the development of OERs.}, doi = {10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.171-172.197}, url = {http://www.scientific.net/AMR.171-172.197}, }