@inproceedings { title = {Digital development of human resources skills online}, author = {Tonkikh, N. V.}, abstract = {The relevance of mastering digital skills of team management in the context of the spread of remote-station forms of employment in connection with digitalization and pandemic is revealed. The modern interpretation of the term “digital” is briefly summarized, the technology of self-preparation for public speaking, meetings and other on-line forms of personnel management in the mode of video conferencing is revealed.}, year = {2020}, month = {05/2020}, language = {Russian}, publisher = {Уральский государственный экономический университет}, pages = {170-173}, address = {Екатеринбург}, country = {Russia}, url = {http://science.usue.ru/images/docs/itogi/tendencii2020.pdf}, refereed = {yes}, keywords = {digital, дистанционное образование, профессиональное образование, цифровизация образова-ния, управление персоналом, онлайн, distance education, professional education, digitalization of education, personnel management, online}, }