@article { title = {Trends in MOOCs Research: Analysis of Educational Technology Journals}, author = {Babori, Abdelghani}, abstract = {Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have received a great deal of interest from educational institutions and private enterprises. Hence, several empirical studies and reviews have been produced. They will be at the heart of the synthesis presented in this article, which reviews the research objects, the analytical frameworks mobilized and the methodologies adopted in the research produced specifically between January 2012 and January 2018. The trends were identified by a review of 36 selected peer reviewed journals. 100 studies were retained after quality assessment. The results show that research questions focused primarily on learning processes followed by design of MOOCs, learning experience and predictors of retention. A variety of frameworks have been adopted in empirical studies. Questionnaires were used as primary collection method and descriptive statistics were the preferred treatment processes.}, year = {2020}, month = {/2020}, language = {English}, journal = {International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning}, volume = {15}, issue = {17}, pages = {47-68}, country = {Morocco}, url = {https://online-journals.org/index.php/i-jet/article/view/14637}, issn = {1863-0383}, refereed = {yes}, keywords = {MOOC, literature review, research trends, research in MOOCs}, attachments = {14637-56005-1-PB.pdf}, }