@mastersthesis { title = {Faculty and students’ perceptions of Open Educational Resources vs. traditional textbooks}, author = {Wagner, Karen Marie}, abstract = {This cross-sectional mixed-methods research study focused on the rising cost of textbooks and the availability and cost effectiveness of modern instructional support, such as open educational resources (OER) and open access textbooks (OAT). The purpose of this study was to examine the favorability of OER and OAT among Wilmington University’s program chairs and faculty members based on to the perception of usefulness and ease of use of the innovation to facilitate valuable and sustainable adoption of OER and OAT at the higher education institution. Also, to determine the level of awareness of OER and OAT among the university’s students and to realize the degree of effort students invested in to avoid the cost of traditional textbooks and the diversity of strategies employed to avoid making the purchase. The study used Rogers’ (1962) diffusion of innovations and Davis’ (1985) technology acceptance model as the theoretical frameworks to guide the description of the innovation and adoption process of OER and OAT. The findings indicated that both program chairs and faculty have a favorable view of OER and OAT, seeing them as useful, relatively easy to use, and cost-effective for students. The results also demonstrated that a vast majority of program chairs had been persuaded to adopt OER/OAT innovation and many have already implemented the resources in their curricula. It can be concluded that Wilmington University program chairs and faculty members are amenable to the use of nontraditional instructional materials such as OER/OAT. Furthermore, based on students’ actions and behaviors regarding the traditional commercial print textbook, it appears they will be receptive to alternatives, such as OER & OAT innovation, because of cost-effectiveness. Program chairs and faculty members, overall, have reported positive responses from students when these innovations in learning supports have been used in the course curricula.}, year = {2019}, month = {05/2019}, school = {Wilmington University}, pages = {1-284}, address = {Delaware, USA}, country = {United States}, url = {https://search.proquest.com/openview/cf2e5f0f185eff65c8b9cea8aad8acf8/1?cbl=18750&diss=y&pq-origsite=gscholar}, refereed = {does not apply}, keywords = {literature review, OAT, OER open access textbooks, research}, }