@article { title = {Pedagogy, technology, and the example of Open Educational Resources}, author = {DeRosa, Robin and Robison, Scott}, abstract = {An excerpt from the article "Pedagogy, Technology, and the Example of Open Educational Resources" by Robin DeRosa and Scott Robison, published on the website EDUCAUSE Review on November 25, 2015 is presented, which focuses on open educational resources and educational technology.}, year = {2015}, month = {11/2015}, publisher = {EDUCAUSE Review}, journal = {Distance Education Report}, volume = {19}, issue = {24}, pages = {6}, country = {United States}, url = {https://er.educause.edu/articles/2015/11/pedagogy-technology-and-the-example-of-open-educational-resources}, issn = {1094-320X}, keywords = {distance education, educational technology}, }