@proceedings { title = {Evaluating a professional development cMOOC: Mosomelt}, author = {Cochrane, Thomas and Narayan, Vickel}, editor = {Barker, Sandy and Dawson, Shane and Pardo, Abelardo and Colvin, Cassandra}, abstract = {This paper focuses upon the evaluation stages of the design and implementation of a lecturer professional development cMOOC embedded within an educational design-based research methodology. In the design and development stages the first iteration in 2015 of the cMOOC informed the redesign of the second iteration in 2016. In this paper the overall impact of the cMOOC is evaluated via evidence of active participation, a post-survey of the 2016 participants, and evidence of impact through the development of participant eportfolios. Based upon our experiences we propose a transferable and scalable lecturer professional development framework that can be mapped to established teaching and learning accreditation pathways such as CMALT.}, year = {2016}, month = {11/2016}, pages = {139-150}, address = {Adelaide}, country = {Australia}, url = {http://2016conference.ascilite.org/wp-content/uploads/ascilite2016_cochrane_full_mon_pm.pdf}, refereed = {yes}, keywords = {CMALT, cMOOC, Design-Based Research, educational design research, professional development}, attachments = {ascilite2016_cochrane_full_mon_pm.pdf}, }