@article { title = {OER implementation in the Federal University of ParanĂ¡, Curitiba, Brazil}, author = {McGreal, Rory}, abstract = {The Federal University of Parana, (UFPR) Universidade Federal do ParanĂ¡, in Curitiba, Brazil began its OER implementation with multiple, interconnected motivations: Expand the dissemination of knowledge; Promote innovation in teaching and pedagogical practices; Promote the use of open educational practices; Encourage the production and use of OER to contribute to the teaching and learning processes; Make the OERs available to the academic community of UFPR and to partner institutions, as well as to the broader community and internationally; Support the increased use of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses); Facilitate the dissemination and popularization of science, technology and innovation through the production and/or use of OER produced by institutions both in Brazil and internationally; Contribute to the quality of university education; Encourage the use of advanced technologies for learning along with new pedagogies; and Create strategies to encourage teachers to share their knowledge for the improvement of teaching quality. This article discusses the benefits, challenges and potential of implementing OER at this institution. More articles can be found at Contact North/Contact Nord: https://teachonline.ca/tools-trends/open-education-resources-oer-applications-around-world/taxonomy-term}, year = {2018}, month = {01/2018}, publisher = {Contact North/Contact Nord}, volume = {2018, Tools and Trends}, country = {Brazil}, url = {https://teachonline.ca/tools-trends/oer-implementation-federal-university-parana-curitiba-brazil}, refereed = {does not apply}, keywords = {open repositories, open licenses, OER implementation, OER culture, OER, MOOC, culture of sharing}, }