@article { attachments = {325-published.pdf}, title = {Open and distance education in global environment: Opportunities for collaboration}, author = {Pulist, S. K.}, abstract = {Distance education system in India has undergone many stages and phases of evolution before it really reached the stage of what is called open education, ICT-enabled education and global education. During these phases, it has assimilated different aspects of ICT with all applauds and has been able to go hand-in-hand with it transcending the national and regional boundaries. The distance education institutions have now started giving a serious thought to explore the possibility of cross-boarder expansion. The educational needs of the present society are changing very fast. The education is now being seen as an enabling tool for empowerment and all-round development of individuals. It is difficult for an institution to come up to all the educational requirements of the society. It is, therefore, time to collaborate rather than compete}, year = {2007}, month = {01/2007}, journal = {Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education}, volume = {8}, issue = {1}, pages = {213-214}, address = {Eskişehir}, country = {Turkey}, url = {http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/makale_goster.php?id=325}, issn = {1302-6488}, refereed = {does not apply}, keywords = {open education, book review}, }