@techreport { title = {#GoOpen district launch packet}, year = {2016}, month = {06/2016}, author = {U.S. Department of Education}, keywords = {tool kit, openly licensed educational resources, open textbooks, open platforms, copyright}, address = {Washington, D.C}, publisher = {Office of Educational Technology}, pages = {1-41}, abstract = {Across the country, districts are choosing to #GoOpen and transitioning to the use of openly licensed educational resources to improve student learning in their schools. Openly licensed educational resources enable districts to reallocate significant funds currently spent on inflexible, static learning materials to resources and activities that accelerate the transition to digital learning. These include implementing new professional learning programs for teachers, developing a robust technology infrastructure to support digital learning, and funding new leadership roles for educators who curate and create openly licensed educational materials. The #GoOpen District Launch Packet is designed for districts that have decided to implement a systematic approach to incorporating openly licensed educational resources into their curriculum by becoming a #GoOpen District.}, refereed = {does not apply}, url = {http://tech.ed.gov/open-education/go-open-districts/launch/}, attachments = {GoOpen-District-Launch-Packet.pdf}, }