@inproceedings { title = {The role of mentoring in facilitating the process of repurposing OER}, year = {2010}, month = {09/2010}, author = {dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato and Okada, Alexandra}, keywords = {Open Educational Resources, , reuse, mentoring, peer mentoring, e-mentoring, collaborative learning, repurpose, adapting, teaching methods}, address = {Barcelona}, language = {eng}, abstract = {This paper presents the initial data analysis of a research that is work in progress. It discusses the role of mentoring and peer support in facilitating the process of repurposing open educational resources (OER). It also reports on the lessons so far learned from the analysis of two distinct but related case studies on working with learners to use and disseminate OER.}, url = {http://openaccess.uoc.edu/webapps/o2/bitstream/10609/5121/6/Santos.pdf}, attachments = {Santos.pdf}, }