@inproceedings { title = {What do academic libraries have to do with Open Educational Resources? Theme : Long term sustainability of open education projects first steps to start up}, year = {2010}, month = {09/2010}, author = {Robertson, John R.}, keywords = {Open Educational Resources, libraries, UKOER, open education}, address = {Barcelona}, language = {eng}, abstract = {This paper will discuss the possible roles of academic libraries in promoting, supporting, and sustaining institutional Open Educational Resource initiatives. It will note areas in which libraries or librarians have skills and knowledge that intersect with some of the needs of academic staff and students as they use and release OERs. It will also present the results of a brief survey of the views of some OER initiatives on the current and potential role of academic libraries.}, url = {http://openaccess.uoc.edu/webapps/o2/bitstream/10609/4847/6/Roberston.pdf}, attachments = {Roberston.pdf}, }