@inproceedings { title = {Creating a map for OER initiatives in Latin America}, year = {2014}, month = {/2014}, author = {Amiel, Tel and Soares, Tiago and Ochoa, Xavier}, keywords = {REA, open data, OER, metadata, mapping}, country = {Brazil}, address = {Manizales}, language = {English}, isbn = {1982 - 1611}, abstract = {In this article we discuss the creation of a federated mapping system focused on OER for basic education in Latin America. We present the rationale and implications of the project, software development, and focus on detailing the creation of a metadata scheme used to categorize OER-related initiatives.}, refereed = {yes}, url = {http://laclo.org/papers/index.php/laclo/article/download/286/268}, attachments = {286-1088-1-PB.pdf}, }