@article { title = {Open Educational Resources: Access to high-quality education for all}, year = {2011}, month = {10/2011}, author = {Evertse, Judith}, keywords = {reuse, reliability, open content, open access, MIT, accessibility, SURFfoundation, SURF}, country = {Netherlands}, language = {en}, publisher = {SURF Foundation}, volume = {2013}, pages = {Articles on Open Educational Resources: Access to high-quality education for all: Article I, October 2011}, abstract = {This article deals with what Open Educational Resources (OER actually are, what the benefits are, and what points need to be considered. Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning materials that are freely available online for use or reuse. Subject to certain conditions, they can also be revised, remixed, or redistributed. Open Educational Resources This article is the first in a series about Open Educational Resources published in the framework of the OER programme that commenced within SURF in April 2011. The aims of the OER programme are to increase awareness of OER within the Dutch higher education sector; to help higher education institutions develop a strategy for OER; and to encourage the development and use/reuse of OER in higher education.}, url = {http://www.surf.nl/en/publicaties/Documents/Articles%20on%20OER_article%20I_29112011%20(web).pdf}, attachments = {Articles on OER_article I_29112011 (web).pdf}, }